The Intergalactic Language Quiz


Test and expand your vocab in one of five languages!

  1. Choose a language by clicking French, German, Italian, Polish or Spanish at the top.
  2. By default, questions are in English and you must give the answers in the other language. Click on the language to switch it the other way around.
  3. Normally, you will first see the quiz words as flashcards. If you're feeling brave, use the drop-down to jump straight to the quiz. Or you can skip the quiz altogether and just see the flashcards.
  4. During the quiz, you must type the word which corresponds to the one shown, letter by letter. Use the CONTROL key to reveal the next letter - but the effect on your score is the same as pressing five wrong letters, so use it sparingly!
  5. The lower drop-down shows you vocab books for your selected language. Choose one of these to restrict the quiz to a specific subject.
  6. When you're ready, click START and ten words will be chosen at random from the Kuxas online database.